let's make your idea a reality
We at the Innovation Support Service of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka are dedicated to providing expertise for your success!
Become a member today and obtain expertise to develop your idea!
welcome to iss
The ISS brings under one roof the technical expertise and resources to solve issues related to Food Science & Technology. Housed within the Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, the ISS, operates and administers its own research and service programs.

about us
The ISS operates its own laboratories and administers its own research and service programs. As the research arm of the Department of Food Science and Technology ISS connects with industries and collaborates towards commercialization of research.
The collaboration of the academic, government and industry provides a unique opportunity in uplifting the Sri Lankan food sector.
We work as a team fusing the uncommon to instigate breakthroughs.
Create a platform to provide competitive food research and development (R & D) and high quality technical service to ameliorate the food sector of Sri Lanka
To incorporate intellectual leadership of academia, industries and government to focus on technology, products and services related to development and enhancement of safe food systems for the progression of living beings.
To accomplish this mission ISS engages in the following activities:
- Conduct basic and applied research
- Provide accurate and useful information and expertise
- Deliver training and awareness programs
- Provide leadership in identifying and rectifying food safety issues
- Deliver reliable test services
- Focusing on issues in industry and resolving them through student-centered research
facilities at iss
What makes us strong in the field
Food Technology Laboratory
Chemistry Laboratory
Food Research Laboratory
ISS Laboratory
Microbiology Laboratory
Sensory Testing Laboratory
Food Preservation Laboratory
our products
A sneak-peek into our wonderful array of products
Department of Food Science & Technology at Wayamba University of Sri Lanka would like to proudly present you a glimpse into the wonderful variety of innovative foods developed in-house by our researchers and students.
we are a full service provider in food science and Technology
Our Services
Concept Development
Product Development
Product Reformulation
Product Commercialization
Shelf-life Evaluation
Sensory Test Services
Chemical and Physical Analysis
Compositional Analysis
Consultation Services
Microbiology Testing
Trainings and Awareness Programs
Smart Solutions
Business Linkages
Efficient Service
Accurate Results
Cost Effectiveness
Full access to ISS database
Buy Service with Competitive Price
Access to ISS biennial meetings
Introducing Skilled Graduates upon Request
Training of Employees
our team

Dr. Sisira De Silva
Director - OTS
Senior Lecturer
Ph.D (Illinois Tech., USA), B.Sc Hons in Chemistry (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Prof. Chamila Jayasinghe
Coordinator - ICE
Professor (Department Chair)
Ph.D (Tokyo, Japan), M.Phil (USJP, Sri Lanka), M.Sc (USJP), B.Sc (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Prof. Neranjalie Perera
Deputy Coordinator - ICE
Ph.D (Ballarat, Australia), M.Phil (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), B.Sc (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Dr. Sharmila Jayathilake
Activity Coordinator - ICE
Senior Lecturer/Head
Ph.D (Obihiro, Japan), M.Sc (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka) B.Sc Agri (Specialization in Food Science & Technology) (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)

Ms. RAC Haily Seneviratne
Activity Coordinator - ICE
Lecturer (Prob.)
B.Sc. in Food Science and Technology (Peradeniya, SL), Reading for Ph.D. (SLINTEC, SL)

Mr. Malinda Prabhath Madhusankha
Project Assistant - ICE
(B.Sc. (Hons) in Food Science and Technology (USJP, SL), M.Phil (Reading) (WUSL, SL), Certificate in Marketing – CIM)

Ms. Shehara Nishadi Wijewikrama
Research Assistant - ICE
(B.Sc. in Food Science and Nutrition (WUSL, SL), M.Phil (Reading) (WUSL, SL))

Ms. Chamodini Nisansala Thilakarathna
Product Development Executive - ICE
(B.Sc. (Hons) in Food Science and Technology (USJP, SL), Diploma in Quality Management – (SLSI, SL), Certificate in Professional Marketing – CIM

Ms. Yujini Erandika
Production Executive - ICE
(B.Sc. (Hons) in Food Science and Nutrition, (WUSL, SL))
contact us
Innovations and Service Support Center,
Department of Food Science and Technology,
Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Gonawila 60170,
Sri Lanka.